If you want to collaborate with the Blend Professional Network, please click the link below and fill out our brief questionnaire.
There is no fee, just good old fashioned collaboration, support and cross-promotion. Check out our website to see some of the other professionals we are currently working with.
Someone will be in touch with you shortly!
Blend's Professional Network
Blend Mediation is in the business of working together with clients and professionals for better outcomes. We believe that things are better when people work together. Our network is made up of various individuals to assist clients along the way to resolving conflict, whether its divorce, business, employment or any other kind of dispute. We educated people on the various options and support available to them as they go through conflict to get to the other side. Our goal is to work as a team to get people to resolution, Faster, Less Expensively, and with a sense of Accomplishment.
As an attorney and litigator for almost 20 years, our founder has seen first hand the damage that occurs in the traditional system of conflict resolution, the litigation system. She is passionate about educating people on their options and surrounding them with services to help them get through it.
Conflict in life is inevitable, trauma is not. Let's work together!