Family & Divorce Mediation
Your family, the people you will have for life. What could go wrong?
Every family contains various personalities, and we are all human. Not unexpectedly we don't always get along. From disputes over where to have Christmas Dinner, to who is going to make a home with a grandparent, to legal separation or divorce and beyond, Blend Mediation has handled it.
Because of the intimate and permanent nature of family, mediation is most often the best method of resolving disputes. Mediation empowers parties to work together toward agreement; it can maintain and enhance existing relationships and salvage seemingly broken ones. We believe that healthy families are the cornerstone of a healthy society, and how they resolve disputes is directly related to the health of the family and its members.
If you are facing these issues, pre-nuptial or post-marital agreements, divorce, custody, paternity, co-parenting, guardianship, adoption, asset distribution, support issues, or other issues related to family, Blend Mediation would be honored to help you turn your barriers into bridges.
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